TGS Annual Required Paperwork

AAC Device Form Name & Image Waiver

This form allows or restricts your child’s name and picture appearing on peers’ Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) system.

Insurance Information Update

Before you begin this form, it is helpful to take a picture of your insurance card so it can be uploaded. Or, you are welcome to just input insurance information manually. Please complete this Insurance Information Form. As The Grace School is an ABA behavioral services provider, insurance is billed for non-academic, medically prescribed behavioral interventions. 

School Yearbook Name & Image Waiver

This form allows or restricts your child’s name and picture appearing in the TGS School Yearbook.

Annual Consents

The Annual Consent Form is completed at enrollment and updated every year. It includes Financial Agreements, Authorized Pick-Up Notice, Parent Handbook Review Confirmation, Notice of Status as Teaching Facility, HIPAA Privacy Practices, Authorization and Notice, TeleEducation and TeleTherapy Consent, Medication Notice, Emergency Contact Update, Permission to Photograph/Video, Text/Email Consent.

Change Request Paperwork

Change Form (optional)

Share a change here in authorized pick-up, note an allergy change, medication change, diagnosis change, address change, or any other change relevant to your student. We’ll update our records accordingly. 

“Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.”

CS Lewis

“If you want your children to improve, let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others.”

Dr. Haim Ginott

“Some of the most wonderful people are the ones who don’t fit into boxes.”

Tori Amos