Parent to Parent with the Keelings

Keeling Familyl

“Before attending The Grace School, our daughter struggled with expressive language, non-compliance, transitions, and social skills. Our family felt hopeless and could not find adequate resources to meet her needs. Thankfully, we were introduced to The Grace School. The staff was incredible and put together a person-centered plan to help her reach her full potential. We immediately noticed changes in her anxiety level as she was finally in a setting that understood her diverse needs.

The staff worked diligently to help our child learn to express herself, meet academic goals, and gain skills necessary to function as independently as possible in society.

Their holistic approach, including ABA and intensive parent training, gave us hope and paved the way for incredible growth, not only for our daughter but for us as a family.

We will forever be grateful for all that the staff at The Grace School did for our child and our family.”

-Jason and Jennifer Keeling (TGS Alumni Parents)

We asked the Keelings to share about their experience. We know that every parent has a unique story to tell when reflecting on the experience of raising their child, including inevitable, and sometimes agonizing, decisions related to navigating schooling options. When a child has autism, the story often unfolds in ways the parent may never anticipate.

For the Keelings, the decision to enroll at The Grace School came when their daughter was barely a teenager. The family continued at The Grace School throughout their daughter’s secondary school years.